Calamus Wheatland 2021-22 ESSER III Plan
Grab-and-Go Meals provided during school COVID-19 closure information
Online Educational Opportunities- Parents: links to educational opportunities
Iowa Dept of Education - The page was created as a resource for educators, parents and stakeholders, ensuring they have ready access to an ever-changing education landscape during the pandemic. The page is broken down into four areas of guidance and resources: K12, Community Colleges, School Meals and Additional Resources. Educators, parents and stakeholders are encouraged to frequently check back to this page since updates will be ongoing through the pandemic.
Iowa Dept. of Education Resources to Support Learning -There are resources by subject matter and age groups. In addition, there are virtual tours of national parks and museums.The page was created in partnership between the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa AEA Online, Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, Iowa PBS and Iowa Reading Research Center.
UPDATE Friday, April 17, 2020
Many of you have already heard that Governor Reynolds announced in her press conference this morning that schools will continue to be closed through the end of the school year. Calamus/Wheatland will continue with voluntary educational opportunities until the scheduled end of the year. As school districts receive more guidance, we will continue to update our families and staff.
Stay Safe!
Lonnie Luepker
Update: Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Just a quick update on the current situation as it relates to Cal-Wheat and school closures. We are closed through April 30th at this time. The District applied for and received permission from the Department of Education to continue providing learning opportunities for your children. Staff have met and are planning ways to deliver new learning. That will be through teacher contact, zoom, google classroom, paper packets, email, etc... I want to stress that this is voluntary, but strongly encouraged, and children will receive feedback but no regular K-12 classes will receive grades.
Mr. Luepker
Update: Friday, April 3, 2020
Please look for additional updates next week for our Warrior community & read the letter below from Mr. Luepker.
April 3, 2020
Calamus/Wheatland Staff, Parents and Community,
Yesterday afternoon, Governor Kim Reynolds announced an extension of school closures throughout Iowa. As a result, buildings and facilities in the Calamus/Wheatland Community School District will remain closed until at least Thursday, April 30.
We will continue to provide meal services and voluntary online learning resources for our students. We’ve recently received some new guidance from the Iowa Department of Education that allows us to continue offering instructional opportunities to our students. We ask that you encourage your child to participate in the various opportunities our staff has worked to provide, along with the resources that have been provided over the last few weeks.
Again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate
through this very challenging and uncertain time. Please continue to practice social
distancing and stay at home as much as you can to help slow the spread of COVID-19
in our community.
We appreciate your patience as we work to create a positive plan for students and your continued support of the Calamus/Wheatland CSD.
Lonnie A. Luepker
On Sunday, March 15, 2020, Governor Kim Reynolds recommended that PreK-12 school districts close from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 10, 2020.
The Calamus/Wheatland CSD followed the recommendation and announced the closure of all schools and school buildings through April 10th. At this time we plan on school resuming on a regular schedule on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 (currently Monday, April 13 is a district holiday).
We understand that there are many unanswered questions and the district is still seeking guidance from the Governor and the Department of Education. The district will provide information as it becomes available.
Along with the school day closure, the state associations have suspended all athletic, music and speech practices/contacts, games and performances from March 16 through April 12, 2020. Other associations, such as FCCLA and FFA state convention, will provide information in the near future. All school facilities are shut down to all organizations.
This is an unusual time for everyone. Please continue to follow the guidance to protect your health by practicing social distancing and avoiding close contact with those that are sick. Keep washing your hands often, covering your coughs & sneezes, and stay at home if you are sick.
Please contact Iowa Department of Public Health's Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology at 800-362-2736 or by calling 211.