10 Fun Neighborhood Fitness Activities:

  1. Jump Rope

  2. Dancing

  3. Hiking

  4. Yoga

  5. Dog Walking

  6. Hula Hoop

  7. Trampoline

  8. Frisbee

  9. Skateboarding

  10. Biking

7 Steps to a Healthy Heart:

  1. Get Active

  2. Control Cholesterol

  3. Eat Better

  4. Manage Blood Pressure

  5. Lose Weight

  6. Reduce Blood Sugar

  7. Stop Smoking

Healthy Substitutions:

  • Brown rice instead of white rice

  • Whole wheat bread instead of white bread

  • Use nonfat or 1% dairy products

  • Use olive and canola oil for cooking instead of butter

  • Use herbs and spices instead of salt

  • Use low sodium canned goods

Iowa Department of Education Nutrition Programs

The Iowa Department of Education's mission for Nutrition Programs is to facilitate and promote quality USDA Child Nutrition Programs that will benefit the education, health, and well-being of the citizens of Iowa. You will find links to their programs at the Iowa Department of Education Nutrition Programs site. 

Healthy Schools - Healthy Students Newsletter
A monthly newsletter that provides information on implementing nutrition and physical activity programs in schools, upcoming school wellness training opportunities, success stories, and ideas from Iowa schools working to promote healthy habits in their students and staff. 

Find Summer Meals in Your Community
Nutritious free meals are available for children and teens 18 and younger at many locations throughout the nation throughout the summer while school is out of session. Click here to view the fact sheet.

Nutritious meals are available for students during the school year. Breakfast is served from 7:50AM to 8:10AM. Lunch is served from 11:20AM to 12:45PM.

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