Volleyball camp for grades k-8 are cancelled today Aug 10, as well as practice for the older girls. Coach Bruns has a downed power line over her lane and cannot get out (as many of you have damage as well). Please spread the word! #gowarriors
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Calamus Wheatland is in need of a Junior High volleyball coach. Please contact Mr. Michael Bruns at michaelbruns@cal-wheat.net with any questions. Must hold Iowa Board of Educational Examiners coaching endorsement or authorization to be eligible. AA/EOE 8-10-2020
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Elementary has phone and internet back!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Kelting
The Elementary School currently has no phone or internet. We are working to get this fixed. Please contact the high school, 563-374-1292, with any immediate needs. We will keep you updated when we are back up and running.
over 4 years ago, Ashley Kelting
Short notice for Activity Center: The Activity Center will be CLOSED tomorrow , Aug 6 and Friday, Aug 7 as the hallway floor and commons floor are being rewaxed. Apologies for the inconvenience, please do not ignore the signage that is posted in the building. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Here is the link to the volleyball team webstore. The link closes on Friday night at midnight. The "official" team shirt is the long sleeve option, but there is also a short sleeve option. https://calamus-wheatlandhsvb.itemorder.com/sale
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Link for volleyball camp for incoming K-8 graders. Follow the directions on the second page & send it back to mbruns@cal-wheat.net. The camp will only be held two days (August 10-12). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T_KnO7z3MwG4H5k7lFXLiGoLtSvjnZqGYqR7_szjFq4/edit
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Thank you to First Trust and Savings Bank for donating individual, refillable hand sanitizer for each student in the district. The bottles can be attached to book bags, too. These will be distributed to students at the start of the school year. #gowarriors #ourcommunityrocks
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
donated hand sanitizer
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Monday, August 3rd: registration for all new students & new families to the district. Also, if you not able to register on-line via a computer device for your returning student(s), please attend the registration event. Calamus or Wheatland buildings from 10-Noon and 1-7pm.
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Parents of JH/HS football players in the co-o program with Central DeWitt: Central DeWitt has online registration for fall sports.  All student-athletes planning to play football need to fill this out BEFORE first day of practice: Link here: https://cdcsd-ar.rschooltoday.com/Please contact Michael Bruns, AD, with any questions at michaelbruns@cal-wheat.net Thank you, Mr. Bruns
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Parents of JH/HS football players in the co-o program with Central DeWitt: Central DeWitt has online registration for fall sports.  All student-athletes planning to play football need to fill this out BEFORE first day of practice: https://cdcsd-ar.rschooltoday.com/
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Online registration learning curves: We believe that you have to login to JMC on a computer device, not a smart phone. There is a required custom field section that must be answered for each student that you are not able to advance past or possibly see on the phone. Thank you for your patience in helping us learn the new process. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Online registration is now open via the JMC parent portal at https://cal-wheat.onlinejmc.com/. If you do not know your username or password, please contact Diane at the JH/HS or Amy at the elementary. Please complete the online registration by August 10th. New students/families to the district must register in person on August 3rd at either building. Registration payments may be made via credit/debit card online or via cash/check to the district. Thank you and #gowarriors!!
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Calamus Wheatland CSD is in need of Substitute Teachers: Our Warriors would love for you to substitute in our district!! Governor Kim Reynolds issued a new proclamation as of July 17, 2020, which allows for increased flexibility in the use of substitute teachers. The degree requirement to obtain a substitute authorization is changed from a bachelor’s degree to an associate’s degree or 60 semester hours through a regionally-accredited institution. The substitute authorization course is still required and may be obtained through the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency https://www.mbaea.org/ or Eastern Iowa Community College Scott Community College. The age requirement of 21 years of age for substitute authorization is changed to age 20. Holders of a career & technical authorization with at least one year of experience may serve as a substitute in any classroom. Questions about AEA course offerings should be directed to the AEA. Mississippi Bend AEA Registration - Offered Virtually Course name: MB - Substitute Authorization Course Number: 167641 Section: 284223 Mississippi Bend Class dates and times are August 17 - 26, 2020 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. This class will be held virtually using Zoom each day. You will need a computer with a camera and a microphone to participate in the class. You will be given a video link for each day of class to connect with the session. There will be homework assignments to be completed in addition to the Zoom sessions. YOU MUST ATTEND ALL SESSIONS AND COMPLETE ALL WORK TO PASS THIS CLASS. GET SIGNED UP NOW! - HERE'S HOW! To register for an upcoming course, you need to create an account at: AEA Learning Online This is the site where you will later take employment-related courses according to school district policy and mandatory reporter of child/dependent adult abuse training if needed. The next day you will be able to register for the Sub. Auth. Course or visit: AEA PD Registration site Use the email and password in the account you created on AEA Learning Online. Click on the Courses tab across the top and then enter 167641 in the search box. You can then select the dates that meet your needs. Sub. Authorization is offered at all AEAs across the state. You can view those on the same registration. For more questions, please contact: staffdevelopment@aea9.k12.ia.us
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Calamus Wheatland CSD is in need of substitute aides, nutrition staff and bus drivers: Please visit the district website employment page at Calamus Wheatland CSD employment to view information on required trainings, applications, etc. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Football infor for the cooperative program with Central DeWitt has been emailed to students/parents in grades 7-12 and parents of 3rd-6th graders. Please view the email for camp dates and the Football rules and Mission Statement. Camp dates start next week for the lower grades.
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Ms. Seedorff sent out an email regarding summer band lessons. If you are interested in this OPTIONAL opportunity, please email her at bseedorff@cal-wheat.net for more information. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Week of July 13-18 All games: Admission charged $6/person (Kindergarten and up), exact change recommended NO passes allowed July 13 7:00pm - Regional Softball, Home vs Midland July 14 7:00pm - District Baseball: BB vs Easton Valley at Miles July 15 7:00pm - Regional Softball, Monday's winner at Central City July 17 7:00pm - Regional Softball, Wednesday's winner at Central City July 18 7:00pm -District Baseball Final, Tuesday's winner at Alburnett
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
July 9 BB/SB update: Games at Springville are cancelled tonight due to weather. Softball make-up tomorrow (Friday). Baseball will not be made up as the teams meet on Saturday at Easton Valley in Miles for IHSAA District baseball at 4:30pm. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
The Activity Center is open for Keycard Holder use as of this morning, July 9, 2020. NOTE: The Activity Center is for use of those persons (18 & older or a minor with a parent – all with a signed user agreement form on file) that reside in the Calamus Wheatland District and those that have students open-enrolled into the district. Spouses using the facility shall each have a signed user agreement on file. A person that has moved out of the district and does not have a student open-enrolled into the district shall not have access to the facility. Those in violation of using the Activity Center shall have access revoked according to board recommendation. Examples include bringing in others who do not have a signed user agreement on file in the district office, minors under age 18 without the Keycard Holder present, and misuse of the facility and/or equipment. Usage reports and security cameras are utilized. Anyone in the Activity Center with an authorized Keycard Holder must have a signed user agreement on file. This is enforced whether the person is a resident of the Calamus Wheatland district or not, those 18 years and older must have a signed form on file, and parents must sign an agreement with minors under age 18 listed. Those in violation of not ensuring their visitors have a signed agreement on file shall have their access revoked. **The fitness room is open with sanitizing supplies to be used after EACH use. THIS Will BE ENFORCED! Visitors will need to self-monitor social distancing. **The gym is currently open and will be shut down soon in order for the floor to be completely redone. Please call the district office at 563-374-1292 with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD