Games tonight will be streamed on the following sites: (All JV and Varsity home games this season) (Varsity home games only)
about 4 years ago, Michael Bruns
Tri-Rivers Conference Activity vouchers handed out for JV/Var BB games. Admittance: HOME & AWAY games REQUIRE vouchers are shown. You will not be given new vouchers per game-KEEP these, don't put them through the wash, leave in a different vehicle, etc. Two per player ONLY.
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
November 17, 2020 After the Governor's proclamation yesterday, all Calamus-Wheatland facilities will be closed to youth practices and sports through December 10, 2020. This includes elementary and Junior High sports. #gowarriors
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Tomorrow’s junior high girls basketball game (11-16-20) at Prince of Peace in Clinton is canceled, as POP is short available players. #gowarriors
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Café class is making green bean casserole this week! You can see the order form below. Special offer on casseroles for $5, and all orders get a free loaf of amish bread. Plan ahead for your Thanksgiving meal!
about 4 years ago, Savanna Bachus
Events Nov 16 - Nov 20 Mon, Nov 16 HS boys basketball practice begins 4:00pm - JH girls basketball at Prince of Peace at O'Donnell's Athletic Center, Clinton 7:00pm - School Board meeting, Wheatland Wed, Nov 18 3:15pm - HS speech practice Thurs, Nov 19 4:00pm - JH girls basketball vs Midland at home (only 2 spectators allowed per player/must show player voucher & only MASKS may be worn & are required) 5:00pm - IA Hall of Pride basketball scrimmages with Wilton at home (only 2 spectators allowed per player/mush show player voucher & only MASKS may be worn & are required) Admission is $5/$4 and $2 off for a non-perishable food item donation Frid, Nov 20 Today is the 2nd quarter Mid-term
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Reminder: 7th grade basketball home game tonight, spectators limited to 2 per player & admitted with player voucher only. Link to watch (there currently is a small fee to watch)
about 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
The food drive is taking place right now district wide! We are collecting non-perishable food, paper and toiletry items. The elementary is placing a box outside of the front door, if anyone wishes to donate during school hours! All contributions will be donated to the Carroll Assistance Center in Wheatland!
over 4 years ago, Ashley Kelting
School Board regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 10 (moved from Nov. 16) 7:00pm Commons, HS building, Wheatland School Board special meeting Monday, Nov. 16 7:00pm Commons, HS building, Wheatland public hearing on proposed sale of revenue bonds for early childhood center
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Events Nov 9 - 14: Mon Nov 9 4:00p - JH girls BB at Easton Valley, Preston Tues Nov 10 4:00p - JH girls BB at Marquette, Bellevue Wed Nov 11 12:30p - Early dismissal Thurs Nov 12 4:00p - JH girls BB at home vs Cedar Valley Christian Sat, Nov 14 10:00a - HS quiz bowl invitational at Marquette, Bellevue
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Greetings the Warrior Cafe is offering Shepherd's Pie this week. The order time will be ending on Monday, November 9th at 11am. Please be available to pick up your items on Friday, November 13th. Here is the order form:
over 4 years ago, Savanna Bachus
ManBall 2020 was a success! Congratulations to the Senior Class on their win, and to the Junior boys for winning best dressed!
over 4 years ago, Tom VanBlaricome
Chase Knoche - Senior
Juniors winning Best Dressed of the night!
Brady Hayes - Sophmore
Seniors vs Juniors
ManBall 2020! Thank you to everyone who played!
over 4 years ago, Tom VanBlaricome
Members of the Staff Team hard at work!
Freshmen Team
Sophomores vs Juniors
Staff vs Seniors in the Championship Game
Warrior Gear orders due November 15th. T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, masks, Adidas or Gildan. Orders will be shipped to the HS. (Combine orders with a friend to share shipping costs). #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
warrior winter gear
warrior winter gear.
I spy with my little eye.... New gym mats at the elementary!!! #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Elementary gym mat
Elementary map
FFA members volunteering to help as precinct election helpers tomorrow at the Activity Center. See the DTN Progressive Farmer article below. #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
2019-20 FFA members
Members of the 9th grade class wanted to do something nice for others this weekend. The group got together for Halloween and rode around town handing out candy to younger children. #charactercounts #gowarriors
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Halloween 2
Reminder the Activity Center is closed for election day tomorrow. Staff and students are asked to park on the far east side and south side of the parking lot. Please leave the first east side row, the front row and the main middle row open for community members to vote.
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Tuesday, Nov 4 JH girls BB at Central DeWitt: masks are REQUIRED and there is no concession stand
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Events Nov 3 - Nov 7: Tuesday, Nov 3: 4:15p - JH girls BB at Central DeWitt Thursday, Nov 5: 4:00p - JH girls BB home vs Lisbon 6:30p - HS Manball tourney Friday, Nov 6: Spirit Day - everyone wear Warrior spirit wear HS girls BB practice begins Monday, Nov. 9th
over 4 years ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD